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Sample Drill Packages
Knee Drill
Learn to square up to your target and work on the flick of the wrist and finger flick, when throwing. The Knee Drill should be done on your knees at 45°. Your shoulders should be square towards your target.
You are going to begin by crossing your arms and twisting in the direction of your throwing side. Place emphasis on feeling the tension created while twisting - once you reach your maximum twist quickly use your core to come back to original position.
Upon completing step one of the Knee Drill, begin breaking the hands to start your throwing motion while twisting the core.
Hold on to the ball for 5 repetitions and follow by throwing the ball for 5 repetitions.
For a video example of this progression please click here.
Rocker Drill
Learn how to transfer weight from back hip in rotation while maintaining posture!!
In the Rocker Drill, you want to place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width and get into a comfortable squat.
Begin by having your weight centered, shift weight into the front leg and then into the back leg (forward, back, forward). Upon the final shift into your back leg begin breaking your hands preparing to throw.
Your upper body should maintain proper posture while you simultaneously fire from your back hip/core to initiate proper sequencing.
Hold on to the ball for 5 repetitions (dry reps) followed by throwing the ball for 5 repetitions.
For a video example of this progression please click here.
Backpedal Throws
Learn how to locate your target and find your unique tempo to engage your back leg into the throw.
In the backpedal drill, start by facing your chest in the opposite direction from your target and have your back facing your target.
Begin by, taking your glove side foot into a backpedal motion to your target followed by you breaking your hands while getting into your back leg for the firing position when you hit foot strike.
Recommend repetition count: 5 to 8 throws. For a video example of this drill please click here.
One, Two, Break n' Go
Learn to create momentum into the first step while making sure your second step has enough time so that you can gather yourself, break your hands, and optimize the ground force you have produced. Explore timing to enhance feel and release point at foot strike.
Beginning in the stretch position, take your first step while leading with your front hip, continue by crossing over into your second step behind your first step while breaking hands your hands as the front leg extends for the second time.
At foot strike, create hip and shoulder separation while firing from your hip and learn to delay front shoulder from leaving your target. The FRT will assist in feeling/creating hip and shoulder separation.
Recommend repetition count: 5 to 8 throws. For a video example of this drill please click here.
Throwing Exploration
Play with stride, length, positioning, and delivery from multiple positions.
Complete reps from a full wind up, the stretch position, while fielding ground balls, catching fly balls, throwing to bases, and more.
The FRT will put throwers into better positions and will create a sense of direction leading to efficiency.
For a video example of these exercises please click here.
Consistency and repetition are key to mastering these drills. Adjust the intensity and volume based on the thrower's progress and comfort level. For more drill recommendations or dialogue on training philosophy, please reach out!

Get Frontside LLC
Frontside Resistance Trainer